[ale] anybody know in which directory firefox should be installed ?

Jay Loden jloden at toughguy.net
Tue Dec 7 23:35:22 EST 2004

personally, I install to /usr/local/firefox 

as for launching it, instead of a symlink, I prefer to use a python script I 
wrote ( http://jayloden.com/firepy,htm ) saved as /usr/local/bin/firefox 

The script launches /usr/local/firefox/firefox with the correct arguments so 
that if you pass a url as an argument, it launches it in a new tab of an 
existing Firefox window, or if no window exists, it opens a new instance.  

If you launch with no arguments, it just opens a new firefox window to the 
home page. 

As for "getting it going" you pretty much just run the installer after 
untarring it.  The only issue I've seen is some distros get fussy about 
letting users launch firefox unless you log in as root first and run firefox 
as root. (actually full graphical log in, not su).  


On Tuesday 07 December 2004 10:55 pm, Courtney Thomas wrote:
> Any other hints as to how to get it going ?
> Thanks,
> Courtney

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