[ale] Trying to use minicom and get a console connection

Jim Popovitch jimpop at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 13 13:01:04 EST 2001


Is Windows and RH7.1 on the same computer (dual-boot)? If not, are you sure the
serial port on the laptop is setup/config'ed to work?

Try these:

  setserial /dev/ttyS0  (verify IRQ and port#)
  cat /proc/interrupts  (see existing interrupts)

  ls -al /dev/ttyS0     (make sure you have rw access, in case you aren't root)
-Jim P.

--- Gene Matthews <gene at mmc-inc.com> wrote:
> Any minicom experts around?  I'm trying to use my linux (RH7.1) laptop
> and minicom to connect to a remote terminal server's console port.
> I can do this successfuly on Windows using HyperTerminal, but I don't
> have it working on Linux yet.
> I have
> A -    Serial Device      : /dev/ttyS0  (I've tried ttyS1 also)
> B - Lockfile Location     : /var/lock
> C -   Callin Program      :
> D -  Callout Program      :
> E -    Bps/Par/Bits       : 9600 8N1
> F - Hardware Flow Control : No
> G - Software Flow Control : No
> for the serial port setup.
> This matches what I was using for HyperTerminal (COM1, 9600 8N1 w/ no
> flow control) and I'm using the exact same cable.
> The cable is a cat 5 (plugs into the console port of the term server)
> and a RJ45 to 9pin converter on the other side for the pc serial port.
> I'd appreciate any thoughts/suggestions.
> Thanks,
> Gene
> ---
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