[ale] Can't Telnet Into Debian 2.2

Jeff Hubbs jhubbs at telocity.com
Fri Mar 16 22:51:20 EST 2001

I try and this is what happens:

	$ telnet kenichi
	Connected to kenichi.
	Escape character is '^]'.
	Connection closed by foreign host. 

I put this line in /etc/inetd.conf:

	telnet	stream  tcp 	nowait  root    /usr/sbin/tcpd	in.telnetd

Netstat -a yields (among other things):

	tcp 	0	0 *:telnet  *:*  LISTEN 

I have tried this without any hosts.allow/deny files, comment-only
files, and with a hosts.allow files that says "ALL: ALL".  No change.

I have a Mandrake machine that is set up similarly but telnetting in

Whassup wid dis?

- Jeff
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