[ale] Slackware + IE?

Linux Idiot esoteric at atlnet.com
Mon Apr 6 00:05:41 EDT 1998

Dave Brooks wrote:
> If anyone can back me up on this, or explain to me what kind of idiocracy
> it took for this to happen, it would be greatly appreciated.
> I was in Microcenter yesterday, and was just poking through all the budget
> CDROM's.  I came across a CD innocently enough entitled "Slackware Linux
> 3.3". I looked at it, it was your standard Slackware distribution.  A
> closer look, however, revealed something truly odd.  As by some
> defenistration of all logic, there was, in the lower right-hand corner,
> stamped the mark of the beast.  A logo aptly enough that read "Includes
> Microsoft Internet Explorer." This is the same logo that appears on all
> your AOL "Get 50 Free Hours" CD's.  Has anyone else seen this?  I almost
> bought the CD just to see what the heck that meant being put on a
> Slackware case.  Did Microsoft port IE beyond Solaris platforms?
> Just Curious.

I had read some horror stories of IE on a Sun box where it caused th
owner to have to rebuild the OS.  IE is available for a few commercial
UNIX flavors.  I checked out the MS web site once, but I don't recall
what it was.

> -Dave
> -------------------------------------
> Dave Brooks
> spork at 777.net
> (770) 425-5700 x 280

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at atlnet.com

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