[ale] Re: Different sound device for Q2?

Robert L Harris nomad at rocky.orci.com
Mon Apr 6 08:49:56 EDT 1998

I only have 1 sound card.  It's a neat new feature in oss.  It creates
the virtual dsp devices, dsp2-dsp9.  You can play to more than one at
a time.  I've tried playing wav's and .mp3's and midi's at the same time
in different combinations and numbers and it works nicely.


It's commercial, but a Linux licence is only $20 and the add-on is
only $10 more... Well worth it.


On Mon, Apr 06, 1998 at 09:17:24AM +0000, Ingimar Robertsson wrote:
> Hi there Robert.
> Thus wrote Robert L Harris:
> > I'm trying to use MP3's and q2 at the same time.  However q2 seem stuck
> > on using /dev/dsp.  With OSS you can use multiple dsp's if they're over
> > /dev/dsp1 (i.e. /dev/dsp2-9).  I can play multiple mp3's at a time, but
> > q2 doesnt' like if /dev/dsp doesn't point to /dev/dsp0...  Anyone have
> > any thoughts?
> Could you inform me about these multiple /dev/dsp's?  Do you have
> multiple soundcards or is it possible to share a soundcard somehow
> this way between many applications?
> Best regards,
> Ingimar
> -- 
> Ingimar Robertsson, System Programmer           EMAIL: iar at skyrr.is
> Skyrr Ltd, Iceland Information Management       TEL:   +354-5695100
> Armuli 2, 108 Reykjavik, ICELAND                FAX:   +354-5695251


Robert L. Harris          |   NT is secure.... 
System Engineer For Hire. \_   as long as you don't remove the shrink wrap.


      These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.
perl -e 'print $i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'

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