[ale] su - declare statements on login

Dow Hurst Dow.Hurst at mindspring.com
Mon Jul 11 20:00:24 EDT 2005

If your wanting to get rid of the statements then look in 
/etc/bash.bashrc.local, or /etc/csh.cshrc, or even /etc/profile for 
possible locations.  SUSE encourages the creation and use of 
/etc/bash.bashrc.local, /etc/csh.cshrc.local, and so on for local 
changes since updates will remove your changes in the original files.

Paul Cartwright wrote:
>Hi gang!
>I'm a new Linux user out here in the far reaches of Conyers ( soon to 
>be moving nearer to Athens, but that's another story).
>I changed something a while back, and I don't remember what I did.
>Now when I "su -" to root I get a whole bunch of these lines:
>declare -x ACLOCAL_FLAGS="-I /opt/gnome/share/aclocal"
>declare -x COLORTERM="1"
>declare -x CPU="i686"
>declare -x DISPLAY=":0"
>declare -x GNOME2_PATH="/usr/local:/opt/gnome:/usr"
>declare -x GROFF_NO_SGR="yes"
>back in the "old days" of *NIX it was something like the .profile and a 
>"set -x" line, but I can't find it anywhere... I think Anders from the 
>SUSE-e list had me do it when I installed his scanimage for a test on 
>my SUSE 9.3 system... but I can't seemm to find that email thread.

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