[ale] subverting public school software

Dow Hurst dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Tue Jul 20 10:32:24 EDT 2004

Yes SuSE does have an autoinstaller but I can't remember the name.  Alice? 
Anyway it is there.  Call Novell and tell them your thoughts.  Let them help 
you out!!

James P. Kinney III wrote:
> Alers,
> In Dekalb county a new middle school is about to open, Tucker Middle
> School. I live near it (it's HUGE!) and know many parents with children
> who will be attending next fall. As such, I received a letter today from
> the president of the PTA (addressed to my business) asking if I would be
> interested in donating cash or other valuable goods to the school for
> its start up.
> Of course loading up a flock of new computers with Linux was the first
> thing to cross my mind!
> Then reality smacked me and I realized that sliding that through the
> Dekalb county gestapo, I mean, IT services, would be nearly impossible.
> So I'll settle (reluctantly) on "The Open CD".
> On the slim chance I can sneak Linux in the door, I see 2 realistic
> distro candidates, RedHat / Fedora and Novell-Suse. Sadly, I don't see
> Debian (too $*^%$^ complicated to install for too many newbies - no
> flames please. Even Ian has said the installation is ugly), Gentoo (Hmm.
> 150 machines in 1 week. Nope), Slackware (tempting but critical mass for
> desktop is not ready yet), Mandrake (too ~french~ OK, reality is too
> many install issues on the latest release to handle by myself), Knoppix
> (it's still Debian under the hood. Should be used as give-aways for the
> kids) are all out for various reasons.
> I can do a custom RedHat/Fedora kickstart CD pretty quickly. Does Suse
> have a bulk installer like kickstart? 
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