[ale] OT: I.T. Department Warning -- Do Not Install Windblows eXcrement Pile SP2

Jonathan Glass jonathan.glass at ibb.gatech.edu
Thu Aug 12 06:21:10 EDT 2004

On Wed, 2004-08-11 at 22:42, aaron wrote:
> Looks like the criminal monopoly victims are getting Micro$hafted again.
> The IT department at Agnes Scott had to send this out: 
> peace
> aaron

That's interesting.  I've done a few upgrades, as well as slipstreamed
SP2 into the XP files, and created new bootable media.  I've installed 5
machines in my computer lab with it, and am liking what I see.  There
are only a few programs having problems, and those problems are related
to the new firewall controls (which are nice, btw).

Thank you
Jonathan Glass
Systems Support Specialist II
Institute for Bioengineering & Bioscience
Georgia Institute of Technology
Email: jonathan.glass at ibb.gatech.edu
Office: 404-385-0127
Fax: 404-894-2291

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