[ale] BayStar wants SCO to repay loan

Preston Boyington PBoyington at polyengineering.com
Sun Apr 25 17:11:08 EDT 2004

::  I hope that SCO goes under and IBM & co goes after the corporate
:: officers themselves.  An SEC investigation wouldn't hurt either. 
:: BayStar seems to represent the essence of US corporate greed - a
:: company based on suing others that only produces the goods of court
:: motions and the services of lawyers.  Only in America.
: You know, it would be fun to watch BS sue SCO for the money,
: and SCO be
: forced to spend BS's money defending and countersuing BS.  An
: added bonus
: is that this would decrease the amount SCO had for suing
: others.  Ah, the
: irony of it all.
actually what i find to be the _most_ ironic side of this scenario is the fact that "we" are now cheering IBM and Novell (and Sun until recently?).   it wasn't so long ago that they were the "enemy" (well in real world years not internet time)

so is the enemy of my enemy is my friend?


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