[ale] OO - Gnome2 conflict

Tom & JaVonn pairoftwins at mindspring.com
Tue Feb 18 21:37:58 EST 2003


A Debian install for a friend has an odd problem:  OpenOffice.org refuses to run from GNOME2 ( desktop icon, Xterm, Eterm, gnome-terminal), but runs fine from Fluxbox ( Eterm ) and Enlightenment ( Eterm ).

I completely removed OO 1.0.1 and did a fresh install of v. 1.0.2 and it keeps crashing from GNOME2.  In desperation, I tried it from Fluxbox and E, with NO problem.

Here's the tail of .gnome-errors:
** (gnome-panel:3216): WARNING **: Unable to load panel stock icon 'go'

No object_type set for panel object with ID show_desktop_button
Window manager warning: Broken client! Window 0xc00010 (xterm) changed client leader window or SM client ID
Window manager warning: Property _NET_WM_NAME on window 0x1800017 contained invalid UTF-8

(gnome-panel:3216): Wnck-WARNING **: Property _NET_WM_NAME contained invalid UTF-8
and the "invalid UTF-8" line appeared after the crash.  OO shows the splash screen, may or may not draw the full window, then disappears.  Sometimes the xterm says simply "Aborted", sometimes just a prompt.  

Couldn'find anything useful on Google or gnome.org, now I'm at a loss.  This is GNOME 2.2 from people.debian.org.  The user is wary of a desktop free of icons, so I'd really like to provide GNOME.


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