[ale] Comcast not in the real world!

Drag0n dragon at atlantacon.org
Sun Aug 24 23:40:40 EDT 2003

	Don't tell them you have a linux box conected to the cable modem, they
wont know what to do. I have yet to reach anyone with half a clue on
their support line. I end up just telling them what's wrong and they
still go through their scripts. The only time i have ever found them to
be of any help is when the system is not working in any way. You can ask
them to run a line level test, and if it's out of tolerence they will
send someone out to fix it. I would switch service providers myself, but
thanks to bellsouth, the only form of DSL line in my area other than
Hellsouth.not.yet is IDSL at 144k both ways, not worth the effort.

dragon at atlantacon.org

On Sun, 2003-08-24 at 23:01, Randal Jarrett wrote:
> I hace been experencing problems with my Comcast cable connection since
> a bad storm last week. My gateway keeps going away.  I see constant
> incoming data but cannot get out or even ping their gateway.
> I have put a new modem in place to make sure that thr problem wasn't on
> my end but this happens randomly a couple of times an hour.  I reset the
> modem and everything comes back.
> Well, I broke down and dropped an email to support. Here is what I got
> back.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Randal,
> Thank you for writing to Comcast.
> I sincerely apologize for any problems you have experienced with the
> Comcast Internet service. Please call us when the connection is down and
> we will be glad to troubleshoot this with you. Please be sure that the
> computer is connected directly to the cable modem (with no router/hub in
> use) when contacting us, as we do not support home networks and will not
> be able to troubleshoot until the computer is connected directly.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I gurss that I should do what they say.  I wonder what will happen if I
> call them and they find out that I am running a linux system and not
> windows ??
> Has anybody had experience with them ??
> Randy

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