[ale] Interesting trojan attempt?

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Sun Aug 3 16:53:01 EDT 2003

Debrihmi wrote:
> Yeah it's a pain..  Our company is all MS and we got hit on Friday..
> Tell ya something, when you're in the middle of production the first
> thing you do is just open your email so you can read it and get it
> out of the way..  Needless to say I we had a hell of a time (1500 +
> people); they had to shutdown the server just to get a handle on it..
> I hope that tomorrow everything is back to normal..

Did they learn anything from the experience?  Will the move to a more 
secure platform.  I doubt it. :(

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

The latest, most widespread virus?  Microsoft end user agreement.
Think about it...

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