[ale] OT Re: [ale] Microsoft now favors fair competition

Andrew Grimmke grimmke at directvinternet.com
Mon Sep 9 05:13:01 EDT 2002

While I do agree about the charity thing.  After some serious arm
twisting (by Ted Turner and others) the Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation has done more for the African aids epidemic than just about
any other private American charity.

On the Mouse issue, however, I have to say to anybody.  Intellimouse +
XFree86 + KVM switch = Bad.  I would switch boxes and the pointer would
hide in the corner.

Do a search on google groups for xfree + mouse + upper right corner and
see just how well X likes M$ brand rodents.

Although a KVM switch exacerbates the problem, plenty have the same
issue I did without one.  Common demoinator is *always* the 

I am not suggesting conspiracy here.  Just offering information.  For
me, Intellrodent didn't like X.  Since I switched to a $2 generic 3
button, no problems.


On Mon, 2002-09-09 at 00:03, Christopher R. Curzio wrote:
> Honestly, that's a little blind. You're almost saying the company
> shouldn't have ever existed, and anyone who works for them is spawned from
> the deepest nether regions of hell. 
> Yes, I dislike Windows. Yes, I believe Microsoft's business practices in
> the past have been questionable, with some being downright illegal. No, I
> am not a Microsoft enthusiast or representative. I am, however, someone
> who *can* see when good things are done, and not overlook them in blind
> hatred. 
> I have never, *ever* seen a bad Microsoft mouse. All of my systems have
> one, and I'm giddy with delight at having an Intellimouse with Intelleye,
> which has worked splendidly for the past 3 years. While Microsoft may not
> manufacture the hardware themselves (outsourcing and rebranding), any
> hardware on which they have stamped their name (ESPECIALLY mice) has been
> nearly top-notch. 
> And my Microsoft mouse can do everything in Linux that it can do in
> Windows. I don't see how it's engineered to leverage Windows. Sure, things
> like the force feedback stuff (another excellent hardware line) come with
> Windows-only stuff, but what do you expect? They make DirectX, they're
> sure not going to ignore it. 
> As for Microsoft-related charity work, while it's less Microsoft and more
> Bill and Melinda, maybe you should check out the Bill and Melinda Gates
> foundation. They're throwing millions of dollars at not only schools and
> libraries, but health programs as well. Over half of their donations have
> been to Global Health organizations. Again, it's not from Microsoft, but
> all of this cash is able to be given to good causes as a direct result of
> Microsoft being here. 
> There's more Good Things listed here:
> http://zdnet.com.com/2100-1107-946250.html
> Again, don't mistake the above for Microsoft fanatacism or open-source
> defection. I'm a Linux user, and I really dislike the majority of
> Microsoft's software. But I'm not a zealot on any side of the court. 
> -- 
> Christopher R. Curzio     |  Quantum materiae materietur marmota monax
> http://www.accipiter.org  |  si marmota monax materiam possit materiari?
> :wq!
> Thus Spake Geoffrey <esoteric at 3times25.net>:
> Sun, 08 Sep 2002 21:27:28 -0400
> > I've had one M$ mouse, it crapped out after 6 months.  Whatever.  That 
> > is not a reflection of their 'good.'  And how many of those devices are 
> > designed to leverage their operating system?  Oh, now we see why they 
> > make hardware...
> > 
> > > MS has been
> > > known to give money to various worthy causes.
> > 
> > Do your research further.  Why?  They donate to libraries and schools to
> > 
> > get their products in the door.
> > 
> > The ONLY reason M$ does ANYTHING is to extend their market.  If you do 
> > the research you will see this.  Philanthropy in name only.
> > 
> > > If I cared, I could
> > > probably find buildings owned by Microsoft which were environmentally
> > > friendly. Etc. 
> > 
> > Now that's a stretch.  Only if it's required by law.
> > 
> > > 
> > > The awful things that they have done may *outweigh* the good things
> > > that they have done, but those bad things don't erase the existence of
> > > the good things.
> > 
> > Again, I challenge you to do the research.  Provide information where 
> > Microsoft has done ANYTHING simple because it's either the right thing 
> > to do and I assure you if you dig deep enough, you'll find the truth.
> > 
> > This company has no morals, no conscious.
> ---
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