[ale] OT Re: [ale] Microsoft now favors fair competition

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Sun Sep 8 21:27:28 EDT 2002

Joe Bayes wrote:
> Geoffrey typeth:
>>You may find it humorous, I do not.  Your comments such as these belie 
>>that I see you as a M$ sympathizer.  Hardly, but anyone who has anything 
>>good to say about M$ is poorly informed, or worse, too much like M$. 
> Now, that's not fair. I loathe Microsoft's business tactics and buggy
> software as much as the next guy, but saying that there's *nothing*
> good about them is misleading and wrong. Counterexamples: Last I
> checked, Microsoft made pretty good mice and keyboards.

I've had one M$ mouse, it crapped out after 6 months.  Whatever.  That 
is not a reflection of their 'good.'  And how many of those devices are 
designed to leverage their operating system?  Oh, now we see why they 
make hardware...

> MS has been
> known to give money to various worthy causes.

Do your research further.  Why?  They donate to libraries and schools to 
get their products in the door.

The ONLY reason M$ does ANYTHING is to extend their market.  If you do 
the research you will see this.  Philanthropy in name only.

> If I cared, I could
> probably find buildings owned by Microsoft which were environmentally
> friendly. Etc. 

Now that's a stretch.  Only if it's required by law.

> The awful things that they have done may *outweigh* the good things
> that they have done, but those bad things don't erase the existence of
> the good things.

Again, I challenge you to do the research.  Provide information where 
Microsoft has done ANYTHING simple because it's either the right thing 
to do and I assure you if you dig deep enough, you'll find the truth.

This company has no morals, no conscious.

> --joe
> --
> Joe Bayes -- jbayes at spoo.mminternet.com

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

I didn't have to buy my radio from a specific company to listen
to FM, why doesn't that apply to the Internet (anymore...)?

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