[ale] Kernel Parameters

Glenn R. Stone gstone at mediaone.net
Tue Apr 13 12:31:07 EDT 1999

Chris Ricker wrote:
> Many of them are tunable via /proc.
> eg,
> cat /proc/foo/bar
> to read it, and
> echo "baz" > /proc/foo/bar
> to change it.  But there's no integrated tool to see and change everything
> beyond that.  If you're bored, writing one would be a good way to gain Linux
> fame ;-).
> For example, shmmax can be tuned like this.  Look at /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax
> (at least with 2.2).

Is it just me, or is the idea of dynamic kernel tuning (a) unique to Linux
and (b) just too cool for words?  Even on Slowlaris where you had the
file you hadda bounce the box... now it's like hey, database thrashing?  no
problem, blip, have some more memory.  Now, if we could get this together with
AIX's journalled file system..... (can you say, dynamic allocation of unused
disk, dynamic re-optimization of logical space across physical volumes
intrinsic to the OS/kernel, and all with live users on the system, and minimal
performance hits?  talk about your killer app...)

-- Glenn

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