[ale] Kernels

gt1355b at prism.gatech.edu gt1355b at prism.gatech.edu
Sat Aug 2 03:32:39 EDT 1997

On  1 Aug, Robert L. Harris wrote:
> Anyone know of a kernel mailing list so i can keep up with
> the condition of the kernels and breaks (like dos filesystem)?

linux-kernel / linux-kernel-digest.

It's a majordomo list off of vger.rutgers.edu.

If you run 2.1.x, you should probably subscribe.  Linus is getting more
serious about testing his followers' devotion, so some of the 2.1.x
kernels may do things like trash your filesystem ;-).  

If you do subscribe, please make sure your posts are reasonably
on-topic.  The list has a real problem with people discussing which
PentiumII motherboard is the best, etc.

> Is there a 2.1.48 yet?  I didn't see it on ftp.cc

That's because there isn't one.  finger @linux.kernel.org will tell you
the latest version (excluding Linus' prepatches, currently at pre-48.3,
available in ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/testing).


Chris Ricker                                 gt1355b at prism.gatech.edu

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