similar CD-ROM problems

Alfred Grahame Leach aleach at
Fri Feb 16 22:56:18 EST 1996

On Fri, 16 Feb 1996, UNIX Guru Dude wrote:

> }
> }I too am having problems getting Linux to recognize my CDROM drive.  I've 
> }got a P75 with 8M, a Diamond Stealth 64 graphics card (S3), a 
> }soundblaster 16 sound card, and a Hitachi CDROM drive.
> }
> }Thanks, in advance, for any hints/suggestions.
> }
> }			-Al Leach (aleach at
> }
> Need more info about your cdrom.  Is it IDE or SCSI?  In either case you
> may have to pass some parameters to the boot disc.  Remember when it stops
> and says, "don't swap discs now, you may enter additional required parameters
> here" or something like that?  This is where you can further define your
> cdrom.
> I had to do two things to get linux to recognize my IDE cdrom.  First
> I had to create the /dev/hdd device.  There's a script that will do that
> for you.  Second, I had to add to my LILO append="hdd=cdrom" so it would
> know which device it was on.  Now this is for IDE, so again, tell us
> more about your hardware.
> -- 
> PS: Please don't finger geof at, it tickles......
> Until Later,
> Geoffrey Myers  geof at  eiger at  gamyers at

It's an IDE CDROM drive.  Can I make use of the suggestions you've made?  
I haven't actually gotten to the point that Linux is installed - I'm in 
the process of getting it installed when I get this error.  Will adding 
the device file make a difference (or be possible, for that matter) at 
this stage in the proverbial game?  Also, I don't believe I've ever seen 
the message about not swapping disks - is that from LILO?  The 
installation stopped before LILO was configured.

Thanks for your help...

- Al

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