[ale] Humble Book Bundle Arduino & Raspberry Pi

Brandon Wood woody at 2143.net
Thu Mar 2 11:33:38 EST 2017

Hopefully this isn't too spammy for the list, but I wanted to point out
that there is a great Humble Book Bundle right now with a nice selection of
books covering a bunch of O'Reilly Raspberry Pi and Arduino topics.


If you've not used Humble Bundle before, the idea is that some company
donates games, books, whatever and you go on there and decide what you want
to pay for them. The money goes to a charity of their choice (or you can
select where you would like the money to go). In this case the money, by
default, goes to Marker Ed which is a non-profit working on teaching kids
about making.

Check it out, basically you can get all 21 books for as low as $15 (but
come on, spend a little more than the base).

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