[ale] VLANs for home with a Linux Router

Chris Fowler cfowler at outpostsentinel.com
Tue Jan 3 15:36:28 EST 2017

> From: "Robert L. Harris" <robert.l.harris at gmail.com>
> To: "Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts" <ale at ale.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, January 3, 2017 12:09:51 PM
> Subject: Re: [ale] VLANs for home with a Linux Router

> I have one downstairs in the basement right behind the router that uplinks to
> the one one on my desk. That one runs to the switch on the other side of the
> house at my media station, printer and AP. So I'm stuck with three and it just
> happens the wifi ap is at the worst end. I used to have it in the basement but
> then I couldn't reach it upstairs.
> I'll look at the Trendnet. The 16 in the basement and two 8's might be prefect.

I made a mistake. It is TP-LINK. 


They have "Easy Smart" and "Unmanaged". EasySmart is the one. 

Here is the 8port I'm running in my office. I've not tested VLAN since I don't need it yet. I upgraded my network when I upgraded Internet so I could guantee the same level of service to the wireless clients that Xfinity Biz was delivering to my home. I went with the TP-LINK because it was Gagabit and I could use VLANs when I wanted to start up a guest segment. 

The only "guest" I have is a dhcp range. Almsot all clients that live here are DHCP, but dhcpd.conf is specific configurations for them. 
I have a 10 IP DHCP range for the devices I build for work based on the first 3 MAC octets. I have a 10 IP DHCP range for NodeMCU devices based on their first 3 MAC octets. 

Printer, XboxOne, Kids crap, etc all are DHCP ,but will always be assigned the same address. 

Was was running Cisco 2900's, but a long run of CAT-5 on them become antennas radiating in the 400Mhz region. I decommissioned them and put them in the garage. 
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