[ale] Alright, it's time to move on from Linode

Jeremy T. Bouse jeremy.bouse at undergrid.net
Sun Jan 10 15:23:42 EST 2016

What do you have in mind Jim? I might be able to help put something
together in time for March. I do run a hybrid network with servers
in-house and over various cloud providers both personally and for work.

On 1/9/2016 8:30 AM, Jim Kinney wrote:
> What are the chances of someone doing a talk on integrating cloud and
> local services? March is open.
> On Jan 8, 2016 11:20 PM, "Jeremy T. Bouse" <jeremy.bouse at undergrid.net
> <mailto:jeremy.bouse at undergrid.net>> wrote:
>     On 1/8/2016 7:34 PM, Justin Caratzas wrote:
>     > On 1/8/16 7:23 PM, Jeremy T. Bouse wrote:
>     >> On 1/8/2016 5:39 PM, James Sumners wrote:
>     >>> On Fri, Jan 8, 2016 at 1:13 PM, chip <chip.gwyn at gmail.com
>     <mailto:chip.gwyn at gmail.com>
>     >>> <mailto:chip.gwyn at gmail.com <mailto:chip.gwyn at gmail.com>>> wrote:
>     >>>
>     >>>     Take a look at Vultr.com, can do it there.  They have
>     hosting in
>     >>>     Atlanta too.  They're basically the economy choopa stuff.
>     >>>
>     >>>
>     >>> That's looking rather nice. $5/mo for 1TB of transfer and
>     plenty of
>     >>> resources for my needs.
>     >> Not that I have any horse in the race or anything, but as a cloud
>     >> service consumer here's a few of my observations...
>     >>
>     >> First off, I have/currently use LInode, AWS and DigitalOcean...
>     Mainly
>     >> for one simple reason, all 3 providers have good support with
>     SaltStack
>     >> so I don't actually have to log into their UI to do anything to
>     manage
>     >> my servers from cradle to grave.
>     >>
>     >> I will say I did look at Vultr and they do have some nice
>     features and
>     >> it does appear that Apache libcloud [1] does have support for Vultr
>     >> which would make a SaltStack salt-cloud driver realistically
>     possible
>     >> though doesn't currently exist. I was really floored by their
>     benchmark
>     >> comparisons [2] and how much it was apples and oranges. I loved
>     how they
>     >> compare a 768MB/1CPU Vultr system for $5/month against a
>     3.75GB/2CPU AWS
>     >> C3.Large that will run you around $78/month on-demand or between
>     >> $29-54/month depending on reserved instance pricing or their
>     2GB/2CPU
>     >> Vultr system for $20/month against the 3.75GB/1CPU AWS M3.Large
>     with run
>     >> costs abount $99/month on-demand and
>     >> $39-71/month reserved instance. Comparing against an AWS T2
>     instance
>     >> (nano 512MB/1CPU or micro 1GB/1CPU) would have seemed like better
>     >> candidate for comparison against the 768MB Vultr and runs closer
>     >> ($5/month t2.nano or $10/month t2.micro on-demand or $2-4/month
>     t2.nano
>     >> or $6-7/month t2.micro reserved instance). Likewise a t2.small or
>     >> t2.medium would have been better comparisons for the 2GB Vultr. It
>     >> looked like they went out of their way to pick the most
>     expensive option
>     >> to compare so their numbers looked better.  I found a blog [3] that
>     >> seemed to give a better comparison in fact.
>     > Slight disagreement, I believe the t2.* are terrible machines to
>     > benchmark, given the cpu bursting budget. m3/4.mediums would
>     have been
>     > the better comparison, the Cs are a bit nuts w/ pricing.
>     Yes, the t2 instances are burstable but they are better than the older
>     generate t1 instances. If you're comparing cost however the t2
>     would be
>     a better comparison as the specs are closer as is the cost. When
>     you're
>     comparing a $5 instance to a $78 instance your "Performance per
>     dollar"
>     is obviously not going to be comparable. The C3 instances are more CPU
>     optimized instances, the M3 and M4 are more general purpose with
>     balanced CPU & memory with the M3 being SSD-based instances which is
>     really the only comparison against DO or Vultr with the minimum in the
>     series being the m3.medium which has 1 CPU and 3.75GB RAM and 4GB SSD.
>     > How do you like libcloud? I've been meaning to check it out.
>     I haven't worked with it directly myself. Many of the salt-cloud
>     provider drivers are written utilizing it as it provides a quick
>     method
>     to do so. There are still many drivers that have libcloud support
>     available but still don't utilize it. In most of the cases the drivers
>     were written prior to libcloud support and hasn't been any real
>     need to
>     re-write them yet. I'm currently working with another cloud provider
>     that doesn't have libcloud support so we're having to do a lot more of
>     the work going off API documentation from the provider as the only API
>     library we've been able to find for it is not fully up to the task.
>     >> Otherwise the pricing between DO and Vultr doesn't appear to
>     really be
>     >> all that difference comparing plans either. That said I may have to
>     >> check out Vultr and see if I can't get the salt-cloud driver
>     working.
>     >> Cost being low enough I wouldn't mind throwing some money at it
>     to get
>     >> another cloud provider option made available to me. I like
>     having the
>     >> ability to launch and deploy my hosts to any SaltStack
>     supported cloud
>     >> provider for a DR/BC perspective and keeps me from being locked
>     into any
>     >> one provider. Then again I'm not worried about uploading custom ISO
>     >> images and if I were I'd simply build and deploy those to AWS
>     where I
>     >> could easily make my own AMI offline and knowing how to work
>     AWS to be
>     >> cost comparative wouldn't bother me.
>     >>
>     >> 1.
>     http://libcloud.readthedocs.org/en/latest/compute/drivers/vultr.html
>     >> 2. https://www.vultr.com/benchmarks/
>     >> 3.
>     http://blog.due.io/2014/linode-digitalocean-and-vultr-comparison/
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