[ale] Bacula backup gathering?

Preston preston.lists at gmail.com
Fri Feb 12 16:12:42 EST 2016

Similarly, I have a script that mounts the Windows Shadow Copy to a
drive letter so I can copy the info over.


On 2/12/2016 2:32 PM, Jim Kinney wrote:
> "back in the day" I hacked up something like this using rsync and cygwin
> to provide a hot copy of the autosave area of windows client machines to
> a Linux server. The client was a heavy document producer and all win
> systems were set to autosave every 5 minutes. I had the backup tool set
> to run every 5 plus one minutes with a custom MS Word launcher that
> started the clock on the backup tool. So every 5 minutes, word would
> autosave what they had open. One minute later it was synched to a remote
> machine. If a client system failed, they could log onto any other system
> in the building, run the restore process and launch MSWord and be where
> they left off less the max last 5 minutes. When the day ended, the
> logout would trigger a final sync and a collapse of the incrementals on
> the server.
> I have no idea where that code went. Probably on a zip disk somewhere.
> On Fri, 2016-02-12 at 13:00 -0500, DJ-Pfulio wrote:
>> Best, easier, how-to: https://www.kirya.net/articles/backups-using-rdiff-backup/
>> Use the "pull" method for greater security.
>> On 02/12/2016 12:18 PM, Derek Atkins wrote:
>>> My sip server (running on an ARM board with SHDC card) died the other
>>> day; the SHDC card failed in an unrecoverable way. Alas, I didn't
>>> have a backup! Luckily I had my previous sip server around, and this
>>> one was created relatively recently so I MOSTLY remembered what
>>> changes I had to make so it only took me a day to recover. HOWEVER, I
>>> would like to figure out a good way to backup the rest of my systems. 
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> James P. Kinney III
> Every time you stop a school, you will have to build a jail. What you
> gain at one end you lose at the other. It's like feeding a dog on his
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