[ale] [OT] Anyone up for a 90 Day Wonder Challenge?

Jim Lynch ale_nospam at fayettedigital.com
Mon Nov 30 11:43:39 EST 2015

I taught myself C back on a CP/M system in about 1980. It was BDS C.  
I've used it on and off (C not BDS C) since then.  I prefer C++ these 
days over C but I can be of some casual help.  Definitely onliney.  I 
live south of town and getting beyond I-20 most of the time is 
problematic.  I can do online collaboration, via Skype, IRC, Google+, 
and probably others I don't know about, plus I'll be glad to yack on the 
phone.  I'm mostly available during the day except on weekends, 
sometimes.  Eves are sometimes a bit hectic.  I go to bed at 2100 so I 
don't do late hours.  Tuesday usually is a light evening too.


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