[ale] 2 wifi issues

Pete Hardie pete.hardie at gmail.com
Sun Mar 22 10:57:43 EDT 2015

Hello all,

My Google-fu is weak for these issues:

1) my son has a Windows 7 laptop, and when he shuts it down, it screws up
the wifi in the house for a few minutes - everything loses connection and
cannot reconnect for a while.

2) I hve an el-checpo Azpen 7in tablet, and when it connects with wifi, my
wife complains her laptop wifi is messed up.

I was unable to find anything specific about either on the web, but I was
not getting results that even seemed to be similar problems, so I'm asking
for help in either finding a query that gets me answers, or finding out
what I can install and learn about that will let me troubleshoot the issue


Pete Hardie
Better Living Through Bitmaps
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