[ale] Ssh config question

Jim Lynch ale_nospam at fayettedigital.com
Thu Feb 12 10:09:34 EST 2015

I have a backup being run on a system that then uses scp to copy the 
archive to another system.  The backup is running on system A as root 
and copies to system B as a normal user, e. g. scp backup.tar 
normal at B.example.com.  In my /root/.ssh/config file I have

Host B.example.com
Port 2222

I did a ssh-copy-id normal at B.example.com AND
ssh-copy-id B.example.com

So ssh works fine to root at B.example.com but not to normal at B.example.com

If I change the ssh port back to 22 it works as advertised, connecting 
to either, but it won't connect to another user on B.example.com with an 
alternate port.  In the man page for .ssh/config there is a User key 
word but I'm guessing that would force all connections to the host to 
use that user.

Other than putting the port number on the command is there a way around 
this problem?
scp -P 2222 backup.tar normal at B.example.com works.


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