[ale] semiOT: VM for Windows

Preston preston.lists at gmail.com
Tue Dec 22 11:25:18 EST 2015

On 12/22/2015 9:59 AM, Boris Borisov wrote:
> I want to install VM on my kids Windows machine but with minimal impact
> on the Windows installation. I haven't used VM for a while but remember
> that VMware for example was installing some kind of virtual network
> cards and I guess this is true for most VM software.
> Is there VM that you can run without install like from zip file?
> I know for DamnsmallLinux embebded zip you can unzip it and include qemu
> that you can run Linux inside qemu on Windows host.
> Some other VM software like that?
> Purpose: I want to make usb install flash for Alpine Linux but you have
> to burn CDROM first and then from running Alpine to build flash drive.
> Or if you have VM you can run iso inside VM.
> Thanks :)

Could you try something like LiLi (Linux Live USB Creator)?


It has an option to install a portable Virtualbox on the USB so you
could plug it in and run whatever from there.

Might not be exactly what you are looking for, but may give you some ideas.


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matter and those who matter don’t mind.
-Dr. Seuss

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