[ale] FWD: CryptoParty @ PhreakNIC: OnionPi Hardware Notice

Pope jonnyX jonnyx at mindspring.com
Mon Oct 27 12:39:22 EDT 2014

On Mon, Oct 27, 2014 at 10:22 AM, Alan Fay <emptyset at freesideatlanta.org> wrote:


If anyone is interested in building an OnionPi at PhreakNIC, I wanted to make sure everyone had time to overnight a few key hardware parts that are needed.

At minimum, you need a Raspberry Pi,  4GB SD card, and a *compatible* USB wifi module.  The module I used with great success was:

Adafruit also lists these modules as compatible:

If you want to get technical* about it, what you're looking for is a USB wifi module that can function as an access point under the trimmed down debian wheezy distro for Raspberry Pi (called, Raspian wheezy).

You need a 4GB SD card - I think might be able to get away with a 2GB SD card, that of course depends on the size* of the iso.

Raspberry Pi [$39]: 

4GB SD Card [$6]: 

Wifi module [$20]: 

Total cost: about $65 + tax/shipping

Looking forward to seeing/meeting everyone at PhreakNIC!


* you can pretty much do whatever you want if you want to write a wifi driver or trim an iso on short notice.  ;)  Maybe some of the LUG folks can help you bust that out.  ;)

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