[ale] [Semi-ot rant] Why is obtaining a cell phone battery such a degrading experience?

JD jdp at algoloma.com
Wed Oct 8 16:20:52 EDT 2014

I've been burned doing the exact same thing.  At first, everything seems fine,
but 6-9 months later, the battery acts like it is 3 yrs old with only 40% charge.

On 10/08/2014 03:41 PM, Chris Fowler wrote:
> I bought a new battery for my S4 last week.
> I found one on Amazon.   I took some time reading the reviews to make sure it
> was not fake or the capacity was a lie.  It cost $14 and my phone is now like it
> was when I bought it.
> Batteries, battery packs, and things like that I am careful about getting  on
> eBay because I know
> that most likely they will be fake.   With Amazon I can read the reviews and
> send it right back.
> Chris

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