[ale] Question about bind server behavior.

JD jdp at algoloma.com
Sat Jan 25 12:13:22 EST 2014

There is always the TTL for the DNS record involved.  I go with 7 days most of
the time to allow caching, but if I know changes are coming, I'll drop it to 30
min the day before, then 5 min on the day of the changes.

Don't know if this helps you are not.

On 01/25/2014 12:07 PM, Jim Lynch wrote:
> One of my host providers changed the IP address of my server.  I went to the
> bind server that provides the master records and changed the IP address in the
> tables.  I restarted bind and then did a dig @<masterdnsserver>
> <serverwithnewaddress> and it reports the old IP address.  Is something caching
> that information?
> I thought that if I provided a server to dig it asked the system directly.  I
> guess I need to go back to school.
> Jim.

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