[ale] Identfy source of open ports

dev null zero two dev.null.02 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 3 00:58:39 EST 2014

tcpdump or wireshark those ports! then try netcatting to them from another
machine and see if you see anything interesting! fun investigation :-D

Sent from my mobile. Please excuse the brevity, spelling, and punctuation.
On Jan 3, 2014 12:51 AM, "Alex Carver" <agcarver+ale at acarver.net> wrote:

> It's a new year so on a whim I started nmaps of various machines and
> devices on my home network to see what was open and if anything I didn't
> know about popped up.
> One of my Debian boxes popped up with two ports out of the blue.  Port
> 42865 and 54906.  I don't know of any services running that use those
> ports.  Running netstat -ap doesn't show much either, it has a blank
> entry for the PID/Program name:
> Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address    Foreign Address   State
> PID/Program name
> tcp        0      0 *:42865            *:*         LISTEN      -
> tcp        0      0 *:54906            *:*         LISTEN      -
> Anything else I can use to try and ferret out what it is that is
> listening on these ports?  Neither port is accessible from the outside
> world due to a firewall.  A scan of two other Debian shows mostly ok
> (expected services) though one shows port 779 open in listen mode but
> again with no PID, and the other machine shows 31599 (also not accessible).
> Searching online for those particular ports doesn't provide any useful
> information (779 claims one use is for NetInfo on OS X but that machine
> is not a Mac).
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