[ale] non-technical Linux question

Tom Freeman tfreeman at intel.digichem.net
Tue Feb 11 20:43:08 EST 2014

On Tue, 11 Feb 2014, Boris Borisov wrote:

> I've read the JD bio from the announcement for the Thursday meeting and He says that got introduced to
> world of Linux in 1993 ...
> What is your first encounter with Linux/Unix world?
First Unix (owned by self) was a Fortune 16:32 6800 machine I got from my 
Grandfather's estate (??1977). Didn't have good connections with any 
community - so that lasted perhaps 2 years and didn't learn quite as much 
as I should have.

First Linux successfully working was a Red Hat CD - a friend came by and 
managed to get my printer working, although that was the third or fourth 
install attempted. ? 1995-6 time period?

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