[ale] Managing passwd and sudoers files on multiple servers.

JD jdp at algoloma.com
Thu Aug 21 23:43:08 EDT 2014

NIS if you don't care about security.

LDAP if you do.  FreeIPA is the RH answer for this - I'm jealous.

Ansible for managing systems configurations from a central repo - similar to
puppet, but much less work to get started and no remote-system requirements that
you don't have installed already.  Newer Linux systems support a /etc/suders.d/
directory - put your customizations in there.

All relatively easy.  Managing the sudoers should be 30 min of effort - tops.
Don't know about FreeIPA, but you've hit the point where that and Ansible make
lots of sense, IMHO.

This all sounds like lots of fun to me!

On 08/21/2014 08:04 PM, Raj Wurttemberg wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have a client with about 40 Linux (RHEL) servers and I need the ability to
> update all of the passwd and suders files across all of the systems.
> Is there an easy way to do this?

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