[ale] SUSE Linux talk

Chuck Payne terrorpup at gmail.com
Fri Sep 20 11:11:13 EDT 2013


Hey, hit me off the list, I could help you with some of the issues as
far as they relate to openSUSE.

The only thing that SUSE/openSUSE and RHEL/CentOS have in common is
rpm. Each distro has different package manager, different directories
structor with some apps ( ie. /var/www vs. /srv/www ) , and  yast vs

This is from my own blog, it dated, but you can use it for the
virtualbox part now. http://opensuse.terrorpup.net/?page_id=60

JD, I know you have picked your schedule, but if a speaker can't make
it, let me know, openSUSE 13.1 is to come out shortly.

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