[ale] ANNC: (casual) ALE CENTAL MTG. for Thursday, Sept. 19, 7:30pm

Aaron Ruscetta arxaaron at gmail.com
Wed Sep 18 18:05:04 EDT 2013

Seems I've been absent from the office a little too much this year and
I'm having trouble getting back in sync with my routines and commitments.
Thus I haven't been thinking far enough ahead to arrange a venue or
speaker for tomorrow night's regularly scheduled third Thursday ALE
Central Meeting.

In addition to promising to do better for next month, for tomorrow
I'm going to suggest a casual gathering at our usual post meeting
App and Tap, Melton's, from 7:30pm to 9:30pm for anyone who cares
to get together.  I'm sure we can find something of Linux and crunchy
Open Source goodness to talk about, and maybe make some plans
for a Fall Install Fest and regular meeting activities.

see <http://meltonsappandtap.com/> for directions and menu info, etc.

in peace,
ALE Events Coordinator (etc.) [sometimes...]

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