[ale] ANNC: No ALE Central meeting for October... ???

Aaron Ruscetta arxaaron at gmail.com
Thu Oct 10 17:47:58 EDT 2013

With apologies, finding time for ALE volunteer organizing work
has continued to be a challenge amidst many other commitments
that I have on my schedule these days.

No one has followed up with me on the "NoDB" presentation
possibility that was discussed on the list, and with nothing else
in the pipeline I haven't followed up on reservations for our Emory
Law School venue.  I've had to make other meeting plans for that
Third Thursday as well, so I won't be able to attend or help
moderate either.

Unless someone else wants to pick up the slack, we'll need to
cancel the ALE Central meeting for Thursday, Oct. 17, 2013 CE.

SO  if you're needing some Linux Meeting face time, you
should definitely get out to the SPSU show tonight. The
NorthWest meeting is going strong under JDP's management.
Wish I could make it there myself tonight!

in peace

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