[ale] PayPal "Man in the Middle" attack?

Mike Harrison cluon at geeklabs.com
Fri May 3 12:31:26 EDT 2013

> Now I feel remorse. Was that foolish?

Go to the real paypal.com and change your passwords.

When I hit a fake capture website, I kill my browser(s).
re-open it on one of my personal websites.
clear all cache, passwords, etc..
kill my browser again.. and restart it.

Paranoid and completely thoretically not needed, I know..

If I'm bored and killing time.. I have fired up sniffers
and gone to the legit site and logged in (with an invalid password or a 
trash account) just to watch the Javascript running in a window somewhere
or in the page I'm on do weird things and try to call home.
Sometimes you'll see things.. sometimes not.

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