[ale] [OT] (but computer and cryptography related) Bitcoin, Litecoin

Ron Frazier (ALE) atllinuxenthinfo at techstarship.com
Sun Mar 31 23:56:09 EDT 2013

On 3/30/2013 10:45 PM, Alex Carver wrote:
> On 3/30/2013 18:06, Michael B. Trausch wrote:
>> On 03/30/2013 08:36 PM, Alex Carver wrote:
>>> If you were to agree to accept rubber chickens for installing a PBX 
>>> then
>>> the BSA/Treasury/Congress has no claim because the rubber chickens are
>>> not being exchanged for regulated currency, they are being exchanged 
>>> for
>>> goods and services directly.  But if you want US Dollars and I only 
>>> have
>>> rubber chickens then I have to go exchange my rubber chickens for US
>>> Dollars and, boom, BSA steps in.
>> I certainly don't need a license, though, to trade you and then sell the
>> chickens.  After all, a sale is nothing more than a conversion from a
>> good or service to currency.
> That's true, you don't need a license to trade me a good or service 
> for the chickens.  And you don't need a license to sell the chickens 
> away so that you can acquire a good or a service for yourself.  You 
> *would* need a license (according to the Treasury's clarification) to 
> convert those chickens directly to US Dollars by an exchange/broker.
> The Treasury said that a sale occurring entirely within a particular 
> currency (your PBX for my chickens) without an exchange to US Dollars 
> is free and clear of the BSA requirements.  If you then take those 
> chickens and buy groceries from a store that accepts chickens, you're 
> still free and clear.  But if you wander off to the bank and ask for 
> the US Dollar equivalent for the chickens because the store won't take 
> the chickens, then it's time to tell the Treasury.

I'd like to get further clarification on this from anyone who 
understands the treasury and tax laws, if anyone does.

Let's say I intend to comply with the relevant treasury laws and the tax 
laws, and others.

Scenario 1) I create litecoin, bitcoin, gold coin, silver coin (the 
latter by digging it up and melting it)
      On that day, I record the value of the coin on that day.

Scenario 2) I buy litecoin, bitcoin, gold coin, silver coin
      On that day, I record what I paid for the coin.

I think this is called cost basis, but I can't make heads or tails of it 
beyond that.


I do this day after day.  So, 5 years later, I have a bunch of coins of 
whatever type.  We'll say they're all the same type.  Let's say I have 
6000 of them.  Every single coin has a different cost basis.  Note that 
this question applies to either conventional assets or digital currency.

So, when I want to cash them out to US dollars, do I just go to an 
exchange, collect my dollars and that's it?

And, how the ##@#$$# do I figure out what my capital gains are so I can 
pay my taxes, since every coin has a different cost basis?




(PS - If you email me and don't get a quick response, you might want to
call on the phone.  I get about 300 emails per day from alternate energy
mailing lists and such.  I don't always see new email messages very quickly.)

Ron Frazier
770-205-9422 (O)   Leave a message.
linuxdude AT techstarship.com

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