[ale] [OT] any experience with low self discharge NIMH batteries

Chris Ricker chris.ricker at gmail.com
Tue Mar 5 14:32:06 EST 2013

On 3/5/13 12:19 PM, Jim Lynch wrote:
> On 03/05/2013 09:46 AM, Chris Ricker wrote:
>> I've been using Eneloops for a few years. They work well 
> I have a couple of NiMh chargers, will those charge Eneloops or do 
> they require a special charger?
Eneloop "requires" that you use their charge for warranty -- but there's 
no technical requirement that you do so. A decent smart charger (medium 
amperage, a few hours to charge with autoshutoff) is preferable to 
either a quick charger (like the 15-minute chargers) or a dumb slow 
charger (the really low amperage ones that take overnight and don't shut 
off automatically) for battery durability though

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