[ale] Cheap tablets?

Alex Carver agcarver+ale at acarver.net
Thu Jun 20 01:48:03 EDT 2013

On 6/19/2013 21:49, Ron Frazier (ALE) wrote:

> I like to run the Dolphin browser on my tablet, which is a bit more
> full featured than firefox.  I brought up a similar thread several
> months ago and there was some discussion about how to use the remote
> screen as an extension of your main one, but I don't remember the
> title or the date.  Let us know how it works out if you get one.  I
> carry my tablet with me where ever I go, so I haven't used it for an
> aux screen as you're discussing.  One other limit of cheap tablets to
> keep in mind is memory.  It probably has 4 gb of storage.  You may
> run out of that quickly if you want to store photos, documents,
> music, videos, audio books, or podcasts.  I'm probably using 25 GB
> total on my tablet for some of those purposes.  If it didn't have an
> sd card slot in addition to the internal memory, I'd be toast for
> what I use it for.

I think you're misunderstanding my intentions.  It would not carry any 
files or be used for storage in any way.  It literally would be bound to 
the desk (or wall) never to move again unless the desk moves.  The 
intent is to have the various tickers and monitors running on a browser 
on the tablet so that I don't have to run them on the desktop.  No 
extensions of the existing desktop (I do that already with the other 
machines using Synergy), it's just a place to dump the little things 
that don't need to occupy real estate, RAM, and CPU on my regular 
machine and its screens.  Given that it's a mini computer with a browser 
and HCI, it's all that I need for a browser based ticker.  Right now I 
have most of the tickers running on Firefox windows (one per ticker).  I 
can rewrite them to all appear on a single page and let Firefox/Chrome 
run on the tablet (later on I can write an Android application to do it 
but that's far in the future).

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