[ale] [Ale] [OT] Terms of Service as a Security Threat

Jay Lozier jslozier at gmail.com
Thu Jan 3 10:12:23 EST 2013

On 01/03/2013 07:36 AM, Jonathan Meek wrote:
> Interesting article from Bruce Schneier on terms of service. I don't 
> know about the rest of you but cloud computing is beginning to scare 
> me a bit .
> http://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2012/12/terms_of_servic.html
> Regards,
> Jonathan
The problem I see with the cloud is are adding another layer of 
complexity. Unless you need the complexity (and cost) why use the cloud.

The TOS problem could really impact small businesses who are relying on 
the cloud as well as home users. In general neither would know much 
about IP law and would be vulnerable to a sneaky TOS granting rights to 
the service provider that the provider does not need. Add to this that 
many are written is shyster not regular English so fully understanding 
them could be an issue.

Most TOS' and EULA's are notoriously one side in favor of the vendor 
with no ability of the user making favorable modifications.

Jay Lozier
jslozier at gmail.com

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