[ale] how do I - icon starts script starts 4 scripts

Dennis Ruzeski denniruz at gmail.com
Wed Apr 17 15:28:20 EDT 2013

If you want the code for this hit me up off list but I would open a file
descriptor for each script and send all output to it, then launch
terminator (or similar with 4 sub terminals) and fire off a screen session
in each to display the contents of one of the file descriptors.

On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 3:08 PM, Brian MacLeod <nym.bnm at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
> On 4/17/13 2:35 PM, Ron Frazier (ALE) wrote:
> > Thanks (I think) dev null.  However, sometimes it's more efficient
> > to just ask someone who knows rather than spend hours searching
> > through results in Google.  There are some nuances to my question
> > that make the answers non obvious.
> I'm going to be a grouch here.
> The only nuances that aren't obvious in this situation are the
> Terminal/Window Manger you use and the specification of window size,
> The rest of what you asked is answered very well with the various
> documents explaining how to write bash scripts, as posted by dev null,
> and where you place your icon / your philosophy on how things should
> start up on boot.
> Unless you have ABSOLUTE physical control of this machine and its
> location, I would give great pause to having the window manager
> auto-login and do this unless you script in some sort of screen lock,
> but that would defeat your purpose in having the terminals displaying
> the information.
> Frankly, if at all possible, I'd ditch the window-manager altogether
> and do this in screen, but even then with your heavy concentration on
> other security matters, this may not be the solution you think it is.
>  And I capitalized ABSOLUTE for a reason.
> - --------
> So, my first question is how do I set up a basic script file with
> these commands in it.  I can fill in all the details later.
> cd ~/cgminer
> export .....
> ./cgminer .....
> Also, how do I put comments in the file?
> - --------
> ummm...
> - -------
> #!/bin/bash
> # Other than the required shell interpreter line
> # above, the hashed lines are comments.
> # This is a hash #
> cd ~/cgminer
> export .....
> ./cgminer .....
> - -------
> - --------
> Finally, I want to create a master script to start all the other 4.
> Here's the trick.  I want the master script to start each of the sub
> scripts in its own window and continue executing commands in the
> master script.  I don't want the master script to hang waiting for
> MINER1 to exit before executing MINER2, and so forth.
> Let's say that the master script is called START-MINERS.
> - --------
> - --------
> #!/bin/bash
> # The ampersand after the command causes a fork and puts
> # the job in the background.
> # Commonly, geometry can be set by --geometry= option.
> # See your terminal man page for details.
> - --------
> Brian
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> =UxSn
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