[ale] CLI conversion of word DOCs to PDF

Mike Harrison cluon at geeklabs.com
Mon May 7 19:20:38 EDT 2012

On Mon, 7 May 2012, Chris Fowler wrote:

> I'm looking at storing many different DOCs in SVN.  I want to release as
> PDF.  Anyone used a program that would work in Linux, and possibly
> Windows, on the CLI to convert documents to PDF?
> My idea is to create a Makefile and when we create a documentation
> release I'll just allow make to do the work of conversion and ISO creation.

So many ways to do that.. We are still using DocuWiki, with the ODT 
module. The wiki stores changes and by who, when, etc.. The ODT plugin 
creates ODT type docs which LibreOffice nicely turns into PDF's.

The biggest asset is we have a guy that in quite technical, but not a 
programmer, that is organizing, editing, and cleaning up the Wiki.

Programmers suck at documentation.

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