[ale] C/C++ Documentation program

JD jdp at algoloma.com
Mon Mar 5 14:52:32 EST 2012

On 03/05/2012 02:02 PM, Calvin Harrigan wrote:
> Not qui
> Please forgive if what I'm about to type isn't completely clear.  I'm 
> not sure such a thing exists so it makes it difficult to put in words.
> I was just handed a , let's call it, a poorly documented C/C++ program 
> for an embedded system.  There are changes that need to be made 
> throughout.  I know how the system works at a hardware level, but what I 
> really need to create is a bit of a flow chart, function/procedure call 
> map for the entire project.  You know a map that shows all the other 
> functions (in what files) the main.cpp file calls in order if possible. 
>   Does such a beast exists?

ctags can generate a cross reference file which lists, in human readable form,
information about the various source objects found in a set of language files.

Many editors will read tag files and provide easy lookups for you.  There are
many C/C++ to HTML tools as well, which will hyperlink between the function
calls and the method for you.  I recall using them in the mid-1990s.

If you are using C++, then you really want to use a class diagrammer.  Almost
any of them will reverse from source code.



I'd provide exact tools, but I haven't written any C++ in over a decade.

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