[ale] bulletin board type of apps for linux

Derek Carter goozbach at friocorte.com
Thu Mar 1 09:50:43 EST 2012

On 2/29/12 9:05 PM, Narahari 'n' Savitha wrote:
> Friends:
> I am looking to setup a bulletin board type of an app on a web server.
> More like a forum type of an app where folks post questions and people
> answer and it gets archived.
> Ability to attach or even paste images would make it even more helpful.
> Any ideas of a good forum/bbs type of an app would help.

If you're looking for question/answer type stuff (say like a 
stackoverflow) you may want to look at askbot.


 From the docs it seems pretty easy to install, I think there may also 
be a package in Fedora/EPEL for super-easy install.

aka goozbach

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