[ale] Running a hands off remote Linux installation

Jim Lynch ale_nospam at fayettedigital.com
Tue Jul 31 14:22:12 EDT 2012

On 07/31/2012 11:50 AM, Michael H. Warfield wrote:
> 1) You haven't defined just what constitutes "big bucks".
Maybe a couple of hundred including the UPS max.
> 2) You say a spare system but the problem depends HEAVILY on the
> capability of said spare system.
It's a tower with a late model Gigabyte MB and a 4 core AMD chip.
> * Does it support power recovery in "Always Power On"?
I think so.  It has the option to boot when power comes back if that's 
what you mean. "The system is turned on upon the return of the AC power".

> Cheap.  $0 solution.
> * Does it support Wake-On-Lan?
No not LAN however, Power on by Mouse or Keyboard.  Wake from ACPI sleep 
on USB, modem and PME.
> Still cheap.  Under $100 solution.  Maybe a little more if you toss in a
> serial to USB adapter for a remote serial console (I would).
It actually has a serial COM port connector.
> * Does it support timed wakeups?
Power-on by alarm - power on the system at a desired time, however it 
looks like you have to set that in the bios.  "Note: When using this 
function avoid inadequate shutdown from the OS or removal of the AC 
power or the settings may not be effective." Supported on Windows 7/Visa 
> Another $0 Solution.
> There's a variety of ways you can do this but it depends on the
> capability of the machine you have in mind.
>> Thanks,
>> Jim.
> Regards,
> Mike

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