[ale] has anyone programmed in GO / how do you like it

Adam Jimerson vendion at gmail.com
Sun Jul 8 20:16:03 EDT 2012

On Jul 8, 2012 6:18 PM, "JD" <jdp at algoloma.com> wrote:

> On 07/08/2012 04:49 PM, Ron Frazier (ALE) wrote:
> > Have any of you used the GO programming language? If so, how do you like
> it? What are some good books / resources?
> >
> > I'm already aware of the #go-nuts chat group on freenode.
> Paul Kline and Adam Jimerson did a presentation about GO at the ALE-NW in
> May.
> Perhaps they will join in this conversation?
Go is one of the best languages that I code in, other than Go I code in
Perl and PHP with some experience with C++.  Go is concidered both a
general programming language and a systems language because of this it is
very flexible as to what you can do with it, an example is
http://www.golang.org everything from what produces the HTML for the site
and the web server itself is done in Go.  Also once you have Go installed
you can spin up a local version of the site with the go doc command.
 Considering how new the language is there is already a good amount of
material out there for developers or people that want to learn the
Language.  Other than the mailing list and the IRC channel, there is a free
E-Book that you can get from
http://www.miek.nl/projects/learninggo/index.html the book itself is also
open source ( the Latex and the source is at https://github.com/miekg/gobook

The Go Lang website also has some good resources such as some "Getting
Started" articles:

http://golang.org/doc/code.html <- How to Write Go Code
http://golang.org/doc/effective_go.html <- Effective Go
http://golang.org/ref/spec <- The official Language specification

Now that the boring thing are out of the way some more resources include:

The Go community Wiki: http://code.google.com/p/go-wiki/w/list
A tour of Go: http://tour.golang.org/

There you can write Go code and have it compile and run in your browser,
this uses
limited version of the Go Playground (http://play.golang.org/).

Thinks to the fact that Google licensed Go under the BSD license you can
read through the source code for all the packages, which is formatted in
the official Go formatting guideline (which is run "go fmt" on your code
and end the format wars).  The packages themselves are very well documented

Lastly I would highly recommend watching the videos of the
Go presentations in this years Google IO, which gives in-site in why Google
created the new language as well as further information on the language.


One last thing as JD has said Paul Kline is the other publicly known member
of the list that uses Go, if you have any further questions feel free to
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