[ale] IEEE... Sort of maybe off topic but... Not really...

Mike Harrison cluon at geeklabs.com
Mon Oct 3 09:51:39 EDT 2011

On Fri, 30 Sep 2011, Michael H. Warfield wrote:
> http://cr.yp.to/writing/ieee.html
> I take what ever Dan says with a really big grain of salt but this
> time...  I just don't know.  I may have to agree with him...

Having paid (ransom) for many IEEE, IEC and other publications
and being part of a few standards processes (IEEE, NFPA and IEC):

I can agree with him also.

Their (IEEE, IEC..) thought processes, control issues, and publishing
practices are leftovers from an age of information control and elitism
by the annointed few whome now have a revenue generating (mostly digital) 
publishing empire and position of power and influence to protect.

Geez, I kinda sound like Aaron. ;)

My point is, the information age has changed the way we think out 
standards and control of access to information.  Would we have
Linux or the internet today if they were attached to the IEEE
committee/review/publication process? If RFC's were hidden
behind paywalls with copyright / use restrictions, the world would
be a very different place.

Mike Harrison,
Former ASHE/AAMI Certified Clinical Engineer #2750,
Currently involved in IEC-62055 and related standards bodies.

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