[ale] AV software? Slightly OT

scott scott at sboss.net
Wed May 18 17:44:17 EDT 2011

Best Mac anti-Malware is MacScan ( http://macscan.securemac.com ).  It
is top notch.

There are a few Mac AV software but most act like Windows software
ported over and not like a Mac software.  I have been using ClamAV-X (
MacOSX port of our love ClamAV ).

if you have any other mac specific questions, feel free to ping me offline.


On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 5:25 PM, Drifter <drifter at oppositelock.org> wrote:
> My wife's MacBook suffered an unrecoverable hard drive crash last week.
> Fortunately, hard copies existed for all the critical material she had
> created since the last backup, so the loss was mostly a major nuisance
> rather than a major disaster. :)
> It was Emory's computer, and it died right after graduation. Go figure.
> So she bought a new one (without all the cruft Emory insists on installing).
> Slashdot notes today the increase in malware aimed directly at OS X and that
> causes me to wonder what sort of anti-virus software should be installed on
> this laptop. (small MacBook Pro) Obviously it needs to be something that a
> non-geek is going to be able to use.
> Suggestions would be appreciated.
> Sean
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