[ale] Unhalfbricking: The Continuing Saga

Charles Shapiro hooterpincher at gmail.com
Sat Mar 19 11:35:58 EDT 2011

Okay, I have un-bricked my first kuro-box.  Turns out that putting
even a bit logging code in the init scripts might be a Bad Idea. It
seems to stop the /dev/ram1 device ( a 2 gb ramdisk) from getting
mounted on /var.  Ouch.  With no /var/tmp or anything else, Things go
pretty quickly South.

Also, the proper place to change the ip parameters to static values is
/etc/netinfo.  Who knew?

Looks like there's some weirdness going on with a script called
"/usr/local/bin//libbuffalo", which apparently calls
"/usr/bin/libbuffalo_bin" to Do Stuff. There's references to it in the
init scripts, and I have /usr/local/libbuffalo_bin, but alas I can't
find any source for the actual shell script either on the included
CD-ROM or on the Net of a Thousand Lies.  When I run libbuffalo_bin,
it gives me something that looks kind of like a usage message:

libbuffalo_bin Ver.002
libbuffalo_bin: geifinfo getkey setkey firminfo create_partition
create_short_partition create_usb_partition blocks usersize

Anyways, I now have a spiffy 1/2 tb NAS box of my very own.  On to the
_truly_ bricked ones!

-- CHS

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