[ale] Follow up to Big Blue Button presentation

Crawford Rainwater crawford.rainwater at linux-etc.com
Fri Jun 17 07:18:52 EDT 2011


Thanks for the invitation and opportunity to present to ALE.  For anyone wishing to "test drive" Big Blue Button ("BBB"), the ALE web site is set up with Aaron approving accounts including presenter/moderator level.  If there is a need for a corporate/company system, Linux ETC does offer some BBB hosting services.  Details can be found at


I will toss in a small discount if you mention ALE until the end of June for kicks. ;-)

Feel free to post any additional questions or remarks to the list as well as directly to myself.  I receive the ALE email list in digest format, so pardon any delays in responding to said posts in advance.


Crawford Rainwater
CEO and President

The Linux ETC Company
10121 Yates Court
Westminster, CO 80031 USA
voice:  +1.303.604.2550
web:    http://www.linux-etc.com

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