[ale] editdns.net changing hands

Richard Faulkner rfaulkner at 34thprs.org
Wed Sep 1 21:39:16 EDT 2010

Since we've been talking about the end of the ATI brand name I thought
I'd chip in this piece of news...

EditDNS - http://www.editdns.net (once a free solution for DNS hosting
and recently turned for fee -- $5 monthly) has announced that they are
transferring their operations to another company.  I have been using
their services for about a year and have been very happy with what
started as a free service.  Even at $5 it was cheap enough I didn't mind
supporting their work.  

I may stay with them, I may look elsewhere but thought I'd chip that in
just-in-case anyone here has used them in the past.  

Rich in Lilburn
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